MCC Neenah, Wisconsin (USA) ha partecipato al “You Can Make it in Manufacturing Career Day”

Let’s talk about manufacturing
Did you know that in the United States only 1 in every 3 parents say they would encourage their children to pursue a career in manufacturing? According to a 2017 study conducted by Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute, 45% of those parents would discourage a career in manufacturing because they believe that the industry has limited career prospects. As leaders in the manufacture of label and packaging products we know that’s not the case and the MCC Neenah team is working with youth to dispel the negative myths of manufacturing.
Hands on activity
You Can Make it in Manufacturing Career Day is an annual event sponsored by companies in the area. They work directly with children between the ages of 12 and 14 to introduce a hands-on activity that illustrates a step in their manufacturing process. This year, the MCC Neenah team worked together at a local middle school to bring the kids a fun take home activity that illustrated the precision necessary to produce a clear image with the flexo printing process. MCC Neenah’s Graphic Art Specialist created two images for the students to create. Once plates were made, they were mounted to plexiglass to create a stamp.
Understanding Flexo Printing
The students were first introduced to the overall flexographic printing process. Then they were shown each complete image and tasked with finding the 4 separate “plates” necessary to create the result. Once they identified each component of the image, they went to work stamping the image together, trying their best to achieve a tight registration. The students were amazed to find out that a press the length of their gymnasium could achieve such precision and marveled at how exact the process must be from start to finish!
Look mom, I did it!
After a few practices rounds they were provided some magnetic sheets to create their image on. They could then take their magnet home and share with their parents (who may discourage a manufacturing career) how skilled one must be to be a successful printer. The event went into the evening, which coincided with parent-teacher conferences. Parents were invited to the event so their child could show them what they had learned from each manufacturer that day.
MCC guides the youth
The manufacturing industry is relying on big players like us to change the public perception of careers in manufacturing. According to the same study cited previously, industry familiarity increases positive perception and those familiar with jobs in manufacturing are twice as likely to encourage a child to pursue a career in the field. Take this opportunity to encourage a young person to try a career in manufacturing!