MCC joins new working committees Recyclass & Petcore

Early this year, a Labels working group was created at Petcore Europe and without any hesitation MCC has become a member of the group in order to share its knowledge with the entire industry. The main objective of this subgroup within Petcore is to propose recommendations and best practices with regards to labels and decoration to the entire PET value chain.
About Petcore
PET is an outstanding packaging material, and also the largest plastic material recycled in Europe. Petcore Europe is an association representing the complete PET value chain in Europe, from PET manufacture to conversion into packaging and recycling, and other related activities. Petcore Europe at the forefront of working with all stakeholders to ensure the sustainable growth of PET as a packaging material of choice, and also to further increase post-consumer PET collection and recycling.
And there’s even more good news because, MCC also has joined the new RecyClass Decoration Task Force. This group will investigate the compatibility with recycling of existing decorative technologies for rigid HDPE and PP packaging. The final goal is to create guidance for the industry on the state of art and on the improvements needed for plastic packaging.
About Recyclass
The RecyClass Platform gathers members across the whole value chain and is driven by the initiative of brands, retailers, converters, raw material producers and recyclers to advance recyclability of plastic packaging and establish a harmonized approach towars the use of recycled material. It’s a value chain platform which aims at filling an existing gap between the different industry actors and bringing the knowledge of recyclers right down to the packaging designers.