

The Successful Line Extension to Cans of Important Viña Undurraga Brands

Let’s try something new – Undurraga Sparkling Brut

Image of The Successful Line Extension to Cans of Important Viña Undurraga Brands



Undurraga Sparkling Brut in can format was a totally innovative project within the Chilean wine industry, both for the concept of having a sparkling wine in a can, and to be the first winery to do it. It was a trend in other markets, but nobody had yet tried it in the domestic market.

The objective was to reach a young audience that felt comfortable with the format, by using bright metallic orange colors that would attract the attention of the consumer.

One of the challenges came with capturing the intense percentage of the orange color that the design called for, with the metallic of the can. The team at MCC was able to successfully achieve this.

It was a long process of learning, internal analysis, and trial and error.  The MCC team worked diligently with the customer to ensure the product launched with optimal conditions.  


Learn more about this dynamic label solution in our brand new Shrink Sleeve magazine!

Capitalizing on success – Undurraga Sparkling Sweet Moscato

After the success of the canned Brut, Undurraga Sparkling Sweet Moscato came along with younger consumers looking for sweeter flavors without losing freshness. It has been a key format to approach new consumers, to encourage product testing, and to increase consumption occasions.

The challenge here was a little more complex, since the purple color had to be adjusted very well so as not to lose the orange tone, and so that the two products (Sparkling Brut and Sweet Moscato) would be recognizable as being from the same product line.


Incorporating sustainability – Aliwen Reserva

In line with these two launches, the brand wanted to continue with the success of the canned format and launched Aliwen Reserva Sauvignon Blanc and Rosé. Aliwen is the reserve line of Viña Undurraga, a line that is linked to nature both by its name, which means sacred tree, and because it is the official vineyard of Fundación Reforestemos, which is a foundation that is dedicated to reforesting with native trees along from all over Chile. Aluminum is lighter, it is 100% recyclable, which also means that it is in line with its commitment and care for the environment.

The design of this line is made with a watercolor illustration of pure native flora and fauna, giving value and awareness to the preservation of Chile’s natural resources.


The result

The transitions to this new format with shrink sleeves have allowed the brand to increase the consumption occasion and product trial. In addition to being able to approach younger consumers, simplifying the world of wine a little more and attracting them with innovative packaging. The launches have proved so successful thus far, Vine Undarraga is already planning for the next one – a Late Harvest offering in a can.

MCC were the first to be up-to-date with this technology that was totally unknown to us, and in them we found some key partners to carry out these incredible projects. Professionalism and advice were fundamental, along with the approval of the labels, to achieve the impeccable results in the printing of our labels.”

Magdalena Villasante, Marketing Manager at Viña Undurraga
