L’essai RecycLABEL® autorise un plus grand choix d’options à un prix abordable

MCC recently teamed up with PETCO, Oasis Water and PET recycler, Extrupet to conduct a recycling trial on our range of pressure-sensitive labels.
Extrupet is the largest and most advanced recycler of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottle materials on the African continent. They specialise in reclaiming and converting waste PET bottles into various grades of PET flakes and chips.
Designing for the environment
MCC’s pressure sensitive “RecycLABEL” was tested on a PET bottle for the effective recycling of a clear and light blue PET bottle back to “PhoenixPET®” Extrupet’s “food grade” rPET.
According to PETCO’s Designing for the Environment guidelines, components such as closures and labels should be designed in such a way that they can be easily, safely and cost-effectively separated and then eliminated from the recycled PET.
Chandru Wadhwani from Extrupet remarked “in the past, pressure sensitive labels have been problematic as residue from the labels purges into the recyclate and discolours it. This discoloured recycled PET (rPET) cannot be repurposed into high-quality, clear plastic beverage bottles, and is then fit for only a limited range of products”.
“A clean flake and clean shredded label particle are paramount in PET recycling,” said MCC Label’s Harry Havenga. “Our adhesive is designed to cleanly separate from the PET bottle in the wash process while remaining attached to the label itself,. This also benefits the recycler since limited adhesive residue remains in the wash water. MCC Label can now offer brand owners, under pressure to ensure closed loop recycling, an array of labelling options at a competitive price.”
100% recyclable solution
RecycLABEL® is a label solution that detaches cleanly from the bottle, making it completely compatible with the recycling process. Converting can take place at any of MCC’s production facilities in Africa. As the trial demonstrated, the internationally recognised wash-off label can stand up to testing under local conditions.
We applaud MCC Label and their team in South Africa for making this drive towards sustainable PET packaging a reality and for their willingness to be part of a process that will hopefully lead to more PET bottles being circular.”
Cheri Scholtz, CEO at PETCO