MCC Australie imprime une étiquette pour le « BBQ Bob’s Prohibition Gin » dans le cadre d’un projet de collecte de fonds

Our team in Australia had the honour to print the label for a Gin used as fundraising project. In September 2020 Prohibition Liquor Co were approached by Andrew Downs of Sage Automation and his best mate Brian ‘BBQ Bob’ Skinner, to work on a project to help fundraise for Flinders Foundation. The funds raised were to go to research for Multiple Myeloma, an incurable form of cancer which Brian has been fighting for several years.
Digital label for lower volumes
The custom designed bottle features images of Bob on his travels around the world and the story of this amazing project on the back label. The label has been printed digitally, which is the perfect solution for lower volumes.
The award-winning distillery crew at Prohibition set about creating a custom recipe gin, based on a flavour profile which reflected Bob, and botanicals which were appropriate, as gin is the only alcohol Bob can drink these days, which doesn’t react with his condition.
For every bottle of Prohibition BBQ Bob’s gin purchased for $120, Prohibition makes a $50 donation to Flinders Foundation to continue their crucial cancer research to find a cure.
Photos provided by Prohibition Liquor Co