

Pride Tide Gin

Pride Tide Gin was to be a limited release from Moontide Distillery that would celebrate ‘Broome Pride’.

Image of Pride Tide Gin



The original design involved use of Silver Laser foil, which under certain light and angles diffuses the light in such a way to refract the colours of the rainbow. In theory the concept worked, however a combination of the uncoated paper and matt varnish finish meant the result was underwhelming, and Moontide naturally declined. This resulted in an urgent need for a replacement solution. Time was colossal obstacle considering it was already the 23rd of December. If we were going to pull this rabbit out of the hat, the job needed to be redesigned to a single pass run on the HP Indigo.

To maintain the foiled look of the other designs, Silver Vac metallised paper was chosen as the substrate. To highlight the pride theme, rainbow colours were printed in a smooth graduated pattern across the map image, which is central to Moontide’s branding. The result was incredible! A great design that made good use of the available media and digital print technology turned a potential disaster into a label that sits pride of place on Moontide’s landing web page.

Pride Tide Gin Wine & Spirits

Label information

  • ProducerMoontide Distillery

  • DesignerFlametree Creative

  • Pictures – Flametree Creative

  • Varietal – Pride Tide Gin

  • Region – Broome, Western Australia

  • Printing Press – Digital

  • Stock – Silver Vac

  • Embellishments – Matt Varnish