

Verga Heart: when a limited edition becomes an established value

Partial Resin label finished off with gold foil

Image of Verga Heart: when a limited edition becomes an established value



‘Casa Vinicola Natale Verga’ represents one of the largest bottlers in Northern Italy. We have been supplying labels since 2016, with an ever-increasing growth trend.

For the love of Resin

In 2017, one of the bottler’s most important European importers had a very specific request for a limited edition: a bottle that represents love. The bigger the heart, the better. Natale Verga had already seen several of our Resin labels, and knew that this solution would meet the importers’ expectations.

Transparent Resin for 3D effect

We developed love on a bottle with a big red Resin heart. In cooperation with the bottler, our design team created a partial Resin Label, finished off with gold foil. The cherry on the cake is the transparent Resin coat on the small heart, to create a 3D ‘dome’ effect.

Our technical team came over to support the first application. By adjusting a few settings and providing technical advice, the application ran without a hitch.

Spread the love – global distribution

This limited edition was such a huge success that it has now become an established value in Natale Verga’s range. What started as a European request, has now been extended to China and the United States as well.

I feel very lucky to work with a client like Verga. They immediately understood the added value of a Resin label on a bottle. I strongly believe that customer satisfaction is the best result a salesman can achieve. Witnessing this success made me very happy.

Daniele Zanatta, Account Manager, MCC